Vectorize (Vector Database)

Access a vector database to build full-stack AI-powered applications in Nuxt.

NuxtHub Vectorize provides configuration, deployment, and management of Vectorize, Cloudflare's vector database.

A vector database stores numerical representations (embeddings) of data, allowing efficient similarity searches. Machine learning models generate these embeddings by converting text, images, or other data types into numerical arrays that can be compared with Vectorize to find similar vectors.

Learn what vector databases are on Cloudflare's documentation
Vectorize is only available in local development when using remote storage.

Use Cases

Vectorize can be used for:

  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) - store embeddings for documents that can be used as context for LLMs
  • Semantic Search - query vectors to find results similar to an input
  • Recommendation Engines - query vectors to find similar content

Getting Started

Vectorize indexes are managed in your NuxtHub project within the hub.vectorize object in your nuxt.config.ts file. Multiple indexes can be created using separate keys.

Create an index

Creating an index can take up to four values:

  1. An index name (e.g. prod-search-index or recommendations-idx-dev)

    The name of your index must contain only lowercase characters and hyphens (-). The index name is limited to 51 characters.

  2. dimension - the dimension size of each vector (e.g. 384 or 1536)

    Dimensions define the size of each vector, which should match the output of the model generating the embeddings.

  3. metric - the distance metric to use for calculating vector similarity

    The distance metric is the function that determines how close vectors are to each other. Possible values are cosine, euclidean, and dot-product.

  4. metadataIndexes (optional)

    A metadataIndex object specifying metadata properties that may be used to filter queries

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  hub: {
    vectorize: {
      <index-name>: {
        dimensions: <number>, // depends on the model used to generate the vectors
        metric: "dot-product" | "cosine" | "euclidean",
        metadataIndexes: {
          <property>: "string" | "number" | "boolean"
Cloudflare Vectorize indexes will be created for your project when you deploy it. Created Vectorize indexes contain a unique 4 character suffix.

Use existing indexes

To use an existing index, add it as a binding to your Cloudflare project and configure it in nuxt.config.ts.

  1. On the Cloudflare dashboard → Workers & Pages → Your Pages project
  2. Go to Settings → Bindings → Add
  3. Select Vectorize database
    • Set the variable name to VECTORIZE_<NAME>. The entire variable name should be capitalised.
    • Select the existing Vectorize index
  4. Add the index configuration to hub.vectorize in nuxt.config.ts.
  • The index name should match <name> used in the variable name, and must be lowercase.
  • The dimensions and metric values should match the ones used when creating the index
  • If your index already includes values, the metadataIndexes should include any existing metadata indexes. New metadataIndexes added in your configuration will not include any existing vectors. You can upsert these vectors to have them included in new metadata indexes.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  hub: {
    vectorize: {
      <index-name>: {
        dimensions: <number>, // depends on the model used to generate the vectors
        metric: "dot-product" | "cosine" | "euclidean",
        metadataIndexes: {
          <property>: "string" | "number" | "boolean"


Vectorize only works in local development when using remote storage with the npx nuxt dev --remote command.

This means to begin using Vectorize, you need to deploy your project to create the indexes before accessing them through remote storage.

Similar to the other NuxtHub offerings, indexes can be created in either preview or production environments.

Cloudflare Vectorize index configurations, like the dimension size and distance metric, cannot be modified after creation.

Modifying an index's dimension size or distance metric will create a new empty index without migrating any data, disconnecting your existing index (and its data) from your project.

Consider your index configuration carefully before creating it to avoid data loss and reconnection issues.


Server composable that returns a Vectorize index.

const index = hubVectorize("<index>")

IntelliSense will suggest <index> based on the indexes configured in hub.vectorize.


Inserts vectors with new IDs into the index. If a vector with the same vector ID already exists in the index, it will not be updated. If you need to update existing vectors, use the upsert operation.

// Mock Vectors
// These will typically come from a machine-learning model
const vectorsToInsert = [
  { id: "123", values: [32.4, 6.5, 11.2, 10.3, 87.9] },
    id: "456", 
    values: [2.5, 7.8, 9.1, 76.9, 8.5], 
    metadata: { category: "product" }, 
const inserted = await index.insert(vectorsToInsert);

See all available properties on the Vector object.



An array of Vector Objects to insert into the index.


Returns VectorizeAsyncMutation.

Vectorize Index mutations are processed asynchronously in the background. The insert operation returns a mutation identifier unique for that operation, and does not assert that the vector is available in the index. It typically takes a few seconds for inserted vectors to be available for querying in an index.
Insert vs Upsert
  • If the same vector id is inserted twice in a Vectorize index, the index will contain the vector that was added first.
  • If the same vector id is upserted twice in a Vectorize index, the index will contain the vector that was added second.
  • Use the upsert operation if you want to overwrite the vector value for a vector id that already exists in an index.


Upserts vectors into an index. An upsert operation will insert vectors into the index if vectors with the same ID do not exist, and overwrite vectors with the same ID.

const vectorsToUpsert = [
  { id: "123", values: [32.4, 6.5, 11.2, 10.3, 87.9] },
    id: "456", 
    values: [2.5, 7.8, 9.1, 76.9, 8.5], 
    metadata: { category: "product" }, 
  { id: "768", values: [29.1, 5.7, 12.9, 15.4, 1.1] },
const upserted = await index.upsert(vectorsToUpsert);

See all available properties on the Vector object.



An array of Vector Objects to insert into the index.


Returns VectorizeAsyncMutation.

Upserting does not merge or combine the values or metadata of an existing vector with the upserted vector: the upserted vector replaces the existing vector in full.

To merge existing metadata, you will have to first query the index for the existing metadata, update the metadata with the new values, and upsert the vector with the merged metadata.
Vectorize Index mutations are processed asynchronously in the background. The upsert operation returns a mutation identifier unique for that operation, and does not assert that the vector is updated in the index. It typically takes a few seconds for upserted vectors to be available for querying in an index.


Query an index with the provided vector, which performs a vector search and returns the score(s) of the closest vectors based on the configured distance metric.

const queryVector = [32.4, 6.55, 11.2, 10.3, 87.9];
const matches = await index.query(queryVector);

    "count": 5,
    "matches": [
        { "score": 0.999909486, "id": "5" },
        { "score": 0.789848214, "id": "4" },
        { "score": 0.720476967, "id": "1234" },
        { "score": 0.463884663, "id": "6" },
        { "score": 0.378282232, "id": "1" }

Optionally, you can apply metadata filters or a namespace to narrow the vector search space.

const queryVector = [32.4, 6.55, 11.2, 10.3, 87.9];
const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  namespace: "my-namespace",
  filter: {
      rating: {
        $ne: 5,



Input vector that will be used to drive the similarity search.


Query options.

const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  topK: 3,               // return 3 matches  
  returnValues: true,    // return the vector values
  returnMetadata: "all", // return all metadata associated with the matches


Returns VectorizeMatches.

Precision vs. Response Time

When querying vectors, you can specify whether to use:

  1. High-precision scoring for increased precision of the query matches scores and the accuracy of the query results
  2. Approximate scoring for faster response times (default).

Using approximate scoring, the returned scores will be an approximation of the real distance (similarity) between your query and the returned vectors.

You can enable high-precision scoring by setting returnValues: true on your query. This tells Vectorize to compute exact scores for matches, increasing the accuracy of the results.

const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  returnValues: true,


Retrieves the specified vectors by their ID, including values and metadata.

const ids = ["11", "22", "33", "44"];
const vectors = await index.getByIds(ids);



List of vector IDs that should be returned.


Returns VectorizeVector.


Deletes the vector IDs provided from the current index.

const idsToDelete = ["11", "22", "33", "44"];
const deleted = await index.deleteByIds(idsToDelete);



List of vector IDs that should be deleted.


Returns VectorizeAsyncMutation.

Vectorize Index mutations are processed asynchronously in the background. The delete operation returns a mutation identifier unique for that operation, and does not assert that the vector is removed in the index. It typically takes a few seconds for vectors to be removed from the Vectorize index.


Retrieves the configuration of a given index directly, including its configured dimensions and distance metric.

const details = await index.describe();


  dimensions: 768,
  vectorCount: 104,
  processedUpToDatetime: '2025-02-05T18:07:15.627Z',
  processedUpToMutation: '7fd632ef-eb54-4788-b788-3cc003f7311a'


Returns VectorizeIndexDetails.


A vector represents the vector embedding output from a machine learning model.

Vector Object

The Vector Object contains the id, vector embedding value, and metadata for a given vector.


A unique string identifying the vector in the index. This should map back to the ID of the document, object or database identifier that the vector values were generated from.

number[] | Float32Array | Float64Array

An array of number, Float32Array, or Float64Array as the vector embedding itself. This must be a dense array, and the length of this array must match the dimensions configured on the index.

const vectorExample = {
    id: "12345",
    values: [32.4, 6.55, 11.2, 10.3, 87.9],
    namespace: "images",
    metadata: {
        key: "value",
        hello: "world",
        url: "r2://bucket/some/object.json",


Dimensions are determined from the output size of the machine learning (ML) model used to generate them, and are a function of how the model encodes and describes features into a vector embedding.

The number of output dimensions can determine vector search accuracy, search performance (latency), and the overall size of the index.

Smaller output dimensions can be faster to search across, which can be useful for user-facing applications. Larger output dimensions can provide more accurate search, especially over larger datasets and/or datasets with substantially similar inputs.

The number of dimensions an index is created for cannot change after an index is created.

The following table highlights some example embeddings models and their output dimensions:

Model / Embeddings APIOutput dimensionsUse-case
Workers AI - @cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5768Text
OpenAI - ada-0021536Text
Cohere - embed-multilingual-v2.0768Text
Google Cloud - multimodalembedding1408Multi-modal (text, images)
Refer to the Workers AI documentation to learn about its built-in embedding models.

If you are using NuxtHub AI to generate vector embeddings, the text-embedding models currently available are:

Distance metrics

Distance metrics are functions that determine how close vectors are from each other. Vectorize indexes support the following distance metrics:

cosineDistance is measured between -1 (most dissimilar) to 1 (identical). 0 denotes an orthogonal vector.
euclideanEuclidean (L2) distance. 0 denotes identical vectors. The larger the positive number, the further the vectors are apart.
dot-productNegative dot product. Larger negative values or smaller positive values denote more similar vectors. A score of -1000 is more similar than -500, and a score of 15 more similar than 50.

Determining the similarity between vectors can be subjective and is determined by how well the machine-learning model can represent features in the resulting vector embeddings.

For example, a score of 0.8511 when using a cosine metric means that two vectors are close in distance, but whether data they represent is similar is a function of how well the model is able to represent the original content.

Distance metrics cannot be changed after an index is created.

Choosing a distance metric

Choosing a distance metric depends on the vector embedding model used to generate the vectors. If possible, it's best to use the same distance metric as the model generating the vectors.

While it's always good to test the results from different distance metrics, each metric uses different properties of the vectors to determine their similarity. If your embeddings contain data that is related to quantifiable values, such as prices, ratings, or other numerical values, you may want to use a metric that considers both magnitude and direction.

MetricVector Properties Considered
cosineOnly direction
euclideanMagnitude and direction
dot-productMagnitude and direction
Learn more about Vector Distance Metrics.

Supported vector formats

Vectorize supports vectors in three formats:

In most cases, a number[] array is the easiest when dealing with other APIs, and is the return type of most machine-learning APIs.


Metadata is an optional set of key-value pairs that can be attached to a vector on insert or upsert, and allows you to embed or co-locate data about the vector itself.

Vectorize allows you to add up to 10KiB of metadata per vector into your index.

Metadata keys cannot be empty, contain the dot character (.), contain the double-quote character ("), or start with the dollar character ($).

Metadata can be used to store:

  • The object storage key, database UUID or other identifier to look up the content the vector embedding represents.
  • The raw content (up to the metadata limits), which can allow you to skip additional lookups for smaller content.
  • Dates, timestamps, or other metadata that describes when the vector embedding was generated or how it was generated.

For example, a vector embedding representing an image could include the path to the blob it was generated from, the format, and a category lookup:

  id: '1',
  values: [32.4, 74.1, 3.2, ...], 
  metadata: { 
    path: 'r2://bucket-name/path/to/image.png',
    format: 'png',
    category: 'profile_image' 

Metadata filtering

When querying an index, you can filter using metadata.

Query results will only include vectors that match the filter criteria, meaning that filter is applied first, and the topK results are taken from the filtered set.

Metadata filtering allows you to query specific subsets of your data. You can filter by specific customer IDs, tenant, product category or any other metadata index you have configured.

Create metadata indexes

In order to filter by a specific metadata property, it must be defined in the metadataIndexes.

Metadata indexes are configured within the metadataIndexes object within your index configuration in nuxt.config.ts.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  hub: {
    vectorize: {
      tutorial: {
        dimensions: 32,
        metric: "cosine",
        metadataIndexes: {
          // <property>: "string" | "number" | "boolean"
          url: "string",
          "": "boolean"

Metadata indexes can be added at any time, but they will only contain vectors that have been inserted/upserted after the index has been created. Upserting vectors after an index is created will index it as expected.

Metadata Index Tips

  • Supported metadata index property types are string, number and boolean types.
  • Nested properties can be defined using . (dot) like
  • For metadata indexes of type number, the indexed number precision is that of float64.
  • For metadata indexes of type string, each vector indexes the first 64B of the string data truncated on UTF-8 character boundaries to the longest well-formed UTF-8 substring within that limit, so vectors are filterable on the first 64B of their value for each indexed property.
Vectorize currently supports a maximum of 10 metadata indexes per Vectorize index. Learn more at

Supported operations

You can use metadata filters with the query() method by passing a filter option.

const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  filter: {
    "url": "", 
    "": { "$ne": true } 

The filter property follows rules similar to those of the metadata property used when inserting metadata.

  • filter must be non-empty object whose compact JSON representation must be less than 2048 bytes.
  • filter object keys cannot be empty, contain " or . (dot is reserved for nesting), start with $, or be longer than 512 characters.
  • filter object non-nested values can be string, number, boolean, or null values.

The metadata filter supports the following operators:

$neNot equals
'$nin'Not in
'$lt'Less than
'$lte'Less than or equal to
'$gt'Greater than
'$gte'Greater than or equal to

Valid filter examples

Implicit $eq operator
const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  filter: {
    { "streaming_platform": "netflix" }
Explicit operator
const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  filter: {
    { "someKey": { "$ne": true } }
Nested Properties
const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  filter: {
    { "pandas.nice": 42 }

// looks for { "pandas": { "nice": 42 } }
Implicit logical AND with multiple keys
const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
  filter: {
    "pandas.nice": 42, 
    "someKey": { "$ne": true } 


You can store up to 10KiB of metadata per vector, and create up to 10 metadata indexes per Vectorize index.

For metadata indexes of type number, the indexed number precision is that of float64.

For metadata indexes of type string, each vector indexes the first 64B of the string data truncated on UTF-8 character boundaries to the longest well-formed UTF-8 substring within that limit, so vectors are filterable on the first 64B of their value for each indexed property.

See Vectorize Limits for a complete list of limits.


Namespaces provide a way to segment the vectors within your index. For example, by customer, merchant or store ID.

To associate vectors with a namespace, you can optionally provide a namespace: string value when performing an insert or upsert operation. When querying, you can pass the namespace to search within as an optional parameter to your query.

A namespace can be up to 64 characters (bytes) in length and you can have up to 1,000 namespaces per index. Refer to the Limits documentation for more details.

When a namespace is specified in a query operation, only vectors within that namespace are used for the search. Namespace filtering is applied before vector search, not after.

Insert vectors with a namespace

// Mock vectors
// Vectors from a machine-learning model are typically ~100 to 1536 dimensions
// wide (or wider still).
const sampleVectors: Array<VectorizeVector> = [
        id: "1",
        values: [32.4, 74.1, 3.2, ...],
        namespace: "text",
        id: "2",
        values: [15.1, 19.2, 15.8, ...],
        namespace: "images",
        id: "3",
        values: [0.16, 1.2, 3.8, ...],
        namespace: "pdfs",

// Insert your vectors, returning a count of the vectors inserted and their vector IDs.
const inserted = await index.insert(sampleVectors);

Query vectors within a namespace

// Your queryVector will be searched against vectors within the namespace (only)
const matches = await index.query(queryVector, {
    namespace: "images",

Namespace versus metadata filtering

Both namespaces and metadata filtering narrow the vector search space for a query. Consider the following when evaluating both filter types:

  • A namespace filter is applied before metadata filter(s)
  • A vector can only be part of a single namespace, while vector metadata can contain multiple key-value pairs
  • A namespace must be a string, while metadata values support different types (string, boolean, or number)



See vector object.

interface VectorizeVector {
  /** The ID for the vector. This can be user-defined, and must be unique. It should uniquely identify the object, and is best set based on the ID of what the vector represents. */
  id: string;
  /** The vector values */
  values: VectorFloatArray | number[];
  /** The namespace this vector belongs to. */
  namespace?: string;
  /** Metadata associated with the vector. Includes the values of other fields and potentially additional details. */
  metadata?: Record<string, VectorizeVectorMetadata>;


A set of matching VectorizeMatch for a particular query.

interface VectorizeMatches {
  matches: VectorizeMatch[];
  count: number;


Represents a matched vector for a query along with its score and (if specified) the matching vector information.

type VectorizeMatch = Pick<Partial<VectorizeVector>, "values"> &
  Omit<VectorizeVector, "values"> & {
    /** The score or rank for similarity, when returned as a result */
    score: number;


Result type indicating a mutation on the Vectorize Index. Mutations are processed asynchronously in the background and the mutationId is the unique identifier for the operation.

interface VectorizeAsyncMutation {
  /** The unique identifier for the async mutation operation containing the changeset. */
  mutationId: string;


Metadata about an existing index.

interface VectorizeIndexInfo {
  /** The number of records containing vectors within the index. */
  vectorsCount: number;
  /** Number of dimensions the index has been configured for. */
  dimensions: number;
  /** ISO 8601 datetime of the last processed mutation on in the index. All changes before this mutation will be reflected in the index state. */
  processedUpToDatetime: number;
  /** UUIDv4 of the last mutation processed by the index. All changes before this mutation will be reflected in the index state. */
  processedUpToMutation: number;


In this example:

  1. An embeddings vector is generated from the search query.
  2. The Vectorize index is queried with the embeddings vector.
  3. Then the original source data is retrieved by querying the database for the IDs returned by Vectorize.

Learn more at

import { z } from "zod";

interface EmbeddingResponse {
  shape: number[];
  data: number[][];

const Query = z.object({
  query: z.string().min(1).max(256),
  limit: z.coerce.number().int().min(1).max(20).default(10),

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { query, limit } = await getValidatedQuery(event, Query.parse);

  // 1. generate embeddings for search query
  const embeddings: EmbeddingResponse = await hubAI().run("@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5", { text: [query] });
  const vectors =[0];

  // 2. query vectorize to find similar results
  const vectorize: VectorizeIndex = hubVectorize('jobs');
  const { matches } = await vectorize.query(vectors, { topK: limit });

  // 3. get details for matching items
  const jobMatches = await useDrizzle(){
    where: (jobs, { inArray }) => inArray(, =>,
    with: {
      department: true,
      subDepartment: true,

  // 4. add score to matches
  const jobMatchesWithScore = => {
    const match = matches.find((match) => ===;
    return { ...job, score: match!.score };

  // 5. sort by score
  return jobMatchesWithScore.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);

Bulk generation and import

This example bulk generates vectors using a text embeddings AI model for all data within a database table, using Nitro tasks. You can run the task via Nuxt DevTools.

import { jobs } from "../database/schema";
import { asc, count } from "drizzle-orm";

export default defineTask({
  meta: {
    name: "vectorize:seed",
    description: "Generate text embeddings vectors",
  async run() {
    console.log("Running Vectorize seed task...");
    const jobCount = (await useDrizzle().select({ count: count() }).from([0].count;

    // process in chunks of 100 as that's the maximum supported by workers ai
    const INCREMENT_AMOUNT = 100;

    const totalBatches = Math.ceil(jobCount / INCREMENT_AMOUNT);
    console.log(`Total items: ${jobCount} (${totalBatches} batches)`);

    for (let i = 0; i < jobCount; i += INCREMENT_AMOUNT) {
      console.log(`⏳ Processing items ${i} - ${i + INCREMENT_AMOUNT}...`);

      const jobsChunk = await useDrizzle()

      // generate embeddings for job titles
      const ai = hubAi();
      const embeddings = await
        { text: => job.jobTitle) },
        { gateway: { id: "new-role" } },
      const vectors =;

      const formattedEmbeddings ={ id, ...metadata }, index) => ({
        metadata: { ...metadata },
        values: vectors[index],

      // save vector embeddings to index
      const index = hubVectorize('jobs');
      await index.upsert(formattedEmbeddings);

      console.log(`✅ Processed items ${i} - ${i + INCREMENT_AMOUNT}...`);

    console.log("Vectorize seed task completed!");
    return { result: "success" };


FeatureCurrent Limit
Indexes per account100 indexes
Maximum dimensions per vector1536 dimensions
Maximum vector ID length51 bytes
Metadata per vector10KiB
Maximum returned results (topK) with values or metadata20
Maximum returned results (topK) without values and metadata100
Maximum upsert batch size (per batch)1000
Maximum index name length64 bytes
Maximum vectors per index5,000,000
Maximum namespaces per index1000 namespaces
Maximum namespace name length64 bytes
Maximum vectors upload size100 MB
Maximum metadata indexes per Vectorize index10
Maximum indexed data per metadata index per vector64 bytes

Learn more about Cloudflare Vectorize limits.


Free TierPricing
Queried vector dimensions30 million / month50 million / month + $0.01/million
Stored vector dimensions5 million / month10 million / month + $0.05/100 million